MEXICAN AMERICAN DRAMA FILMS - ANTHONY QUINN & DOLORES DEL RIO. Children of Sanchez. Los Angeles: Hall Bartlett Films, 1978. Original 195 page shooting script beautifully hardbound in blue gold-embossed leather. This script was a presentation gift from the film’s director Hall Bartlett and his wife, Lupita Ferrer, co-star of the picture, to Bill Thomas, the costume designer for the film. On the front board beneath the title in the bottom right is stamped in gold: "For Bill, With our gratitude for the talent and spirit you are bringing to our film. Lupita and Hall”. Bill Thomas earlier won an an Oscar for his costume designs for Spartacus. Based on the book by Oscar Lewis, Bartlett was co-screenwriter for the film with Cesare Zavattini (who wrote the screenplay for ditector Vittorio De Sica’s Umberto D in 1952). This handsome presentation piece was bound by the noted Hollywood bookbinder, the California Bookbinding, Co. and has its seal on the inside of the front cover. “The Children of Sanchez is a 1978 Mexican-American drama film based on the book with the same title by Oscar Lewis. The movie's well-known soundtrack, titled Children of Sanchez, was created by jazz musician Chuck Mangione. Its opening song won the Grammy Award for Best Pop Instrumental Performance.The film takes place in Mexico and stars Anthony Quinn (in real life a Mexican born Manuel Antonio Rodolfo Quinn Oaxaca in Chihuahua, Mexico), Dolores del Rio, and Lupita Ferrer. “The film chronicles the life of Mr. Sanchez (Anthony Quinn) and his struggles with the culture of poverty around him. A widowed farmer, he cares for his family in a marginal area of Mexico City. While being a hard worker who feels the duty to financially support his family, he is still an aggressive, domineering man and a womanizer. His main conflict is with his daughter, Consuelo (Lupita Ferrer), a rebellious girl who attempts to break free from her father. She strives to escape her role of dutiful daughter and pursue her own dreams. Consuelo likes to talk with her grandmother (Dolores del Río), who secretly advises her to find a man and get married. This is the only way that she, an uneducated poor woman, can escape her father.” (Wikipedia).