Rohnfried Gervit-W Feed Supplement for Pigeons 500ml.

Gervit- W is suitable to be given in drinking water or grain feed to rectify food related vitamin deficiencies (only grain feed) during race time, exhibitions, breeding time, moulting and the cold season.

We recommend adding Gervit-W to meet vitamin needs after stresses and to promote the metabolism.

Feeding Recommendation:

Gervit-W is given during the breeding and racing period 2 times a week, 2 full screw caps = 10ml Gervit-W with 2 litres of water or 1.5kg grain feed.

During the rest of the time, giving Gervit-W once a week is enough.

To meet increased vitamin needs, administer Gervit-W several times a week.

Do not give Gervit-W during the journey season on day of flight.

Copper and Iron troughs can have a negative effect on the shelf life of the vitamins.

Keep out the reach of children.

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