Pure Greek Chios Mastic Gum Essential Oil 5 ml (0.17oz) Superior Quality"

Origin:Greece.(Chios Island)
History of Cultivation:
The mastic tree thrives exclusively in southern Chios.
According to theories, this is due to the temperate climate and in particular to the microclimate of the area but also to the underwater volcanoes and the limestone soil.
Since the past, attempts have been made to cultivate the masticatory rope in other regions of Greece and in other states, but always without success.
The preparation of the string and the collection of the mastic are very laborious tasks and they begin in June with the cleaning of the ground from the string.
The largest amount falls on the white soil and takes 15-30 days to solidify, depending on the weather conditions. Then, the collection of the thick mastic (the big pieces) begins, in the early hours of the morning, in mid-August, and the fine mastic from the beginning of September.
The cleaning of mastic begins in October - November, immediately after collection. It is a difficult, time-consuming and specialized process that is done piece by piece by hand, until the mastic takes its final commercial form.

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