First of all

We will deliver the item as shown in the photo.
We do not reuse photos of items in our store. When we restore our inventory, we take new photos of all items so you will never receive an item that does not look like the one in the photo. Please rest assured.

Welcome to Combined Shipping!!
In case of combined shipping, you can save on shipping costs.

Item Additional
shipping costs
(for each item)
Pokemon card $0
Video game software $2 - $4
CD, DVD $2
Etc... Please contact us.


[A - Near Mint(NM)]
Almost no scratches and damages.
[B - Excellent(EX)]
Compared to [A], the card has scratches and damages.
(The "Item specifics - Card Condition" is set to "Lightly Played".)
[C - Lightly Played(LP)]
The card has some scratches and damages.
[D - Moderately Played(MP)]
The card has a lot of scratches and damages.
[E - Heavily Played(HP)]
Compared to [D], the card has more scratches and damages.


We do not ship your item in envelopes only. We will use a cardboard box.
We will use plastic bags, bubble wrap, paper, and others to pack carefully to keep the condition of your item.
Please rest assured.


[North America]
Economy Shipping (Japan Post's Small Packet Air with Tracking Number)
Expedited Shipping (FedEx *1)
*1 Please note that FedEx cannot be used in the case of shipping to a PO Box address.
[Other countries]
Economy Shipping (Japan Post's Small Packet Air with Tracking Number)
Standard Shipping (Japan Post's EMS *2)
*2 EMS may be suspended in some countries.

International Buyers - Please Note

Please note that import duties and taxes are not included in item prices. These charges are the buyer's responsibility.
Please confirm the import duties, various fees, and taxes at the customs of your country before making a purchase.
We do not undervalue item's prices or declare items as "gifts" in any shipping documents.
Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

Last of all

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
Thank you for watching!