Slaughterball Team Arena #5: The Jungle From Frog The What Games . Arena expansion is brand new, factory sealed.

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From BGG

It’s no coincidence that the Fury slaughterdome named the Jungle is lost deep within the vast metropolis that is the Bengali Mahaplex. With over 270 million citizens, the BMP is a huge durocrete jungle, teeming with life and motion. Finding the Fury arena is a task in itself. But, once you find it, you’ll be amazed! The dome boasts ancient Indian architecture, holographic and genetically engineered flora and fauna, and flaming doom!

Fury’s owners not only genetically engineered their team, they also genetically engineered plants to impede everyone in the pit. These neovines are attracted to movement, crawling and writhing to tangle those who run by.

The Jungle is an arena board for Slaughterball.

Special rules:

While in the Fury pit, the following rules apply:

Entangling vines: The first time an athlete tries to leave an entangling space during a Move action, the athlete must make an Agility test. If the athlete does not get 2 or more knives, he trips and falls down in that space. This ends his movement and no points are scored. Entangling spaces are indicated by the green leaf in the center of a space.

Fireblast: Every coach gains this ability while in the Fury pit.

At irregular intervals, the meat grinder and the launchers belch forth great gouts of flame! At any time except during an action, any coach can sacrifice an Interrupt card call forth such a conflagration from the meat grinder or any one specified launcher.