Funeral Parade of Roses Blu-ray (2020) Osamu Ogasawara, Matsumoto (DIR) cert 18

Title: Funeral Parade of Roses Leading Actor: Osamu Ogasawara Region: Region B Duration: 108 mins Format: Blu-ray / Normal Type: Blu-ray No. of Discs: 2 disc(s) Studio / Publisher: Trinity Creative Partnership UK Release Date: 18 May 2020 Edition: Normal

Toshio Matsumoto writes and directs this Japanese drama set in the seedy underworld of late-1960s Tokyo. Cross-dressing club kid Eddie (Peter) vies with rival drag queen Leda (Osamu Ogasawara) for the favours of drug-dealing cabaret manager Gonda (Yoshio Tsuchiya). Passions escalate and blood begins to flow, before a shocking revelation leaves Eddie and Gonda facing some terrible choices.

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