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When it comes to serving your cat a 100 percent complete and balanced meal with a flavor they’re sure to love, choose a Fancy Feast Poultry and Beef Feast Classic Pate Collection Grain Free Wet Cat Food Variety Pack at every mealtime. Cats go crazy over the smooth pate cat food texture each time you serve a can from this Fancy Feast canned cat food variety pack. Expertly crafted in Purina-owned facilities and featuring real chicken, turkey or beef as the number one ingredient, each Fancy Feast canned cat food wet pate recipe is developed in partnership with our expert cat nutritionists to create a unique and unforgettable taste experience that will make your cat look forward to every meal. A savory wet cat food gravy enhances every protein-rich bite of this canned cat food pate to ensure your cat will lick their dish clean every time. Not only do these pate cat food recipes have a tempting chicken, turkey or beef pate cat food flavor, but they also include a blend of vitamins and minerals to support your cat's whole-body health while being made without any artificial colors or preservatives. Show your feline companion how much they mean to you by letting them indulge in a variety of gourmet meal options they can’t resist. Treat your cat to a Purina Fancy Feast Poultry and Beef Feast Classic Cat Food Wet Pate Variety Pack and feel good about the role you are playing in her life. Every Fancy Feast Wet Cat Food meal is thoughtfully crafted and tested for quality and safety in Purina-owned facilities. Feeding your cat is an enjoyable experience for both you and your cat, which is why Fancy Feast has dedicated more than 30 years to developing gourmet recipes for cats and their owners to explore together. Life is better with pets, and Fancy Feast is committed to providing cats with high-quality nutrition that's deliciously decadent while caring for their needs. Fancy Feast Gourmet Wet Cat Food is crafted in Purina’s own facilities to ensure quality and safety throughout the production process, from ingredient sourcing to final packaging. With safety and quality checks, Purina has created a system to give you peace of mind each time you feed your feline friends. Quality is the top priority at Purina, and Fancy Feast Poultry and Beef Feast Classic Pate Feast Grain Free Wet Cat Food Variety Packs show them just how much you care about her health and happiness with every delectable bite.

Fancy Feast Classic Pate Wet Cat Food Variety Pack, 3 oz Cans (30 Pack)

  • Tender pate offers delightful texture
  • 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for adult cats
  • Contains beef, chicken or turkey flavors for variety
  • Collection contains 10 cans each of three delicious flavors
  • Grain-free formulas

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