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Ctesiphon Books









LONDON:     First Edition  [1877]


Publisher/Year: LONDON: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, First Edition, c.1877.
Binding: Original Cloth Hardcover, 21x14cm.
Pages: xii + 359 + 4
Illustrations: 23

   Please see book CONDITION at end    жжж

Edward Lewes Cutts  (1824-1901)

Edward Lewes Cutts was an English writer, antiquarian and curate, specialising in archaeology and the study of ecclesiastical history. Born on 2 March 1824 in Sheffield. He was the son of John Priston Cutts, an optician, and Mary, daughter of Robert Waterhouse. He was educated at Sheffield Collegiate School and graduated B.A. at Queens' College, Cambridge, in 1848. Being ordained in the same year, he was curate successively of Ide Hill, Kent, until 1850, of Coggeshall, Essex, until 1857, and of Kelvedon until 1859, and was perpetual curate of Billericay until 1865. He had already acted also as local organising secretary of the Additional Curates Society, and on leaving Billericay became general secretary of the society in London, resigning in 1871, on presentation to the vicarage of Holy Trinity, Haverstock Hill.

In 1876 Cutts was selected by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to visit the East and inquire into the position of the Syrian and Chaldean churches; his report resulted in the formation of the Archbishop's Mission to the Assyrian Christians. He described his travels in 'Christians under the Crescent in Asia' (1887). Although accepting the ecclesiastical views of the high church party, he was sympathetic with every school of thought within the church. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of the South.

Cutts died at Holy Trinity Vicarage, Haverstock Hill, on 2 September 1901, and was buried at Brookwood Cemetery, Woking. He married on 23 April 1846 Marian, daughter of Robert Knight of Nottingham, and by her had ten children, seven of whom survived him. Mrs. Cutts died on 14 December 1889.








With Many Illustrations
from over 150 Years Ago


From Introduction ...

TWO great mission societies—the Christian Knowledge and the Propagation of the Gospel Societies— agreed to send, under the sanction of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London, an English clergy-man and an assistant on a special mission to the Nestorians of Chaldaea and Koordistan. The Bev. G. P. Badger and Mr. J. P. Fletcher were selected and sent out in 1842. They remained in the country about a year. All regular missionary work was interrupted by the fact that during the time of their mission a Koordish chief had made an attack upon the Nestorian tribes, had destroyed churches and villages, massacred many of the people, and driven the Patriarch and the rest to seek safety in flight. The protection of the English missionaries proved the salvation of the Nestorians from utter destruction; the representations of the English diplomatic authorities induced the Turkish Government to interpose, and Bedr Khan Beg was banished to the island of Cyprus.
After having been a year among the Nestorians Mr. Badger and Mr. Fletcher were withdrawn by the societies, to the great grief of the Nestorians. Two or three extracts from the letters of Mar Shimoon at the time will best express the feeling of the Nestorians on the subject.

" Through your deputy (Mr. Badger) we have learned with certainty that there still remains in the West a Holy Church independent and free from the corruptions of the See of Bome, which is the mother of error, with a priest-hood derived from the apostles, a right doctrine respecting the Holy Sacraments, as well as a primitive ritual.
"I entreat you, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you do not reject this our petition, seeing that it is not a great thing with you that you should continue to us the presbyter George Badger to assist us, and because the whole is for the glory of God and for the welfare of men. Nor can I think that this is a hard matter to a nation holding the true faith, and which sends forth so many messengers among the people and brethren, so that in you is accomplished the saying of the Psalmist, ' Their sound is gone out into all lands, and their words unto the end of the world.' Is it not a small matter to such a nation to give up one person to those who are in so much need of his assistance ?
"And again we repeat our supplication that you turn not your face away from our request, which is but a little one, but made to a great people and a blessed Church. For, behold, the messengers of the Pope are as spies among us, and are using every species of intrigue to get an opportunity of entering into our country, in order to deceive the hearts of the simple; and those come to us without our asking them ; and do you wish to go far from us—you towards whom we have a cordial will ? "
Notwithstanding these urgent entreaties, Dr. Badger was withdrawn.

From that day to this occasional appeals have come from the Nestorians praying for English help. In 1868 a formal petition, chiefly from that portion of the Nestorian people which is located in the plain of Oroomiah, reached the late Archbishop of Canterbury, and he had put forth an appeal to the Church of England based upon it, when his death put an end for the time to any further action. We put this letter on record here as the fullest recent expression of the feelings of the Nestorians, and as the appeal which ultimately gave rise to the mission of inquiry to the Nestorians narrated in the following pages.


Contents ...


Please check contents in images above


Illustrations ...

There are 23 illustrations in the book

(Some of them showing above)


Condition ...

Edges slightly rubbed, book-plate of F. Diba inside front cover, otherwise book is in very good condition. Scarce over 150 Years old work.



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