Food From Your Garden, Hardback, Reader's Digest, First Edition (1st Revise)1977

The prospect of fresh, inexpensive fruit and vegetables from your own garden is obviously inviting. But is it realistic? The following comments are for all gardeners who would welcome a little reassurance before taking the plunge.

Is it worth it?

Lower housekeeping bills and a satisfying sense of achievement are assured if you grow part of your family's food. In addition, freshly picked vegetables and fruits have more flavour and a better texture than those sold in shops, and they are richer in vitamin C.

Is it difficult?

No special skill or aptitude is needed if you follow the instructions in this book. It is essential, though, to have a reasonably well-drained plot that is open to the sun for a good part of the day. Clay soil need not be a hindrance. With the right treatment, it will often grow the finest crops of all.

This comprehensive and beautifully illustrated book covers everything you might want to know about growing your own garden food, including:

..and a great deal more.

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