This is an April 1947 issue of Salute magazine with pin up girl Jane Harker.

Marked as "Produced by Former Editors and writers of Yank and Stars & Stripes" and Volume 2 no. 4, this has 52 pages with contents that includes short stories, articles, special features, news, cartoons, sports, and a pin up of Jane Harker.

Articles and features include "Why Vet Marriages Fail, Labor Learns from Wall St., The Sensors who lived in Villas by Bill Mauldin, Swedes Beautiful Swedes, Is Baseball a Sweatshop, Superman's Toughest Fight, 312 Nights with a Soldier, Speaking of Girls, Chinese Reds Who Talk Like Runyon, How Long can a Body Last - Burlesque Girls", and more. See photo examples and content listing page.

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