John Cassell's Illustrated History of England. - [8 Bände. Komplett].

von Howitt, William:

Howitt, William:
Verlag / Jahr
London: Kent, 1857-1864.
Format / Einband
Halblederbände der Zeit, goldgeprägte Rücken, 25 x 18 cm. 8 Bände; insgesamt etwa 4.600 Seiten, zweispaltig,
ca. 11000 g
8 Bände (Volume 1-8). Komplett. - Vol.I: From the earliest period to the reign of Edward the Fourth. - Vol. II.: From the reign of Edward IV. to the death of Queen Elizabeth. - Vol. III.: From the accession of James I. to the revolution of 1688. - Vol. IV.: From the accession of William III. to the death of George II. - Vol. V. (= Vol. I. being the fifth volume of of the entire history): From the accession of George III. to the French Revolution (July, 1792). - Vol. VI. (= Vol. II. being the sixth volume of of the entire history): From the French Revolution (July, 1792) to the death of George III. (January, 1820). - Vol. VII. (= Vol. III. being the seventh volume of of the entire history): From the Accession of George IV. to the Irish famine, 1847. - Vol. VIII. (= Vol. IV. being the eigth volume of of the entire history): From the overthrow of Louis Philippe to the death of the Prince Consort. - Mit jeweils über 200-300 Abbildungen im Text; vielfach als ganzseitig. - Einbände etwas berieben, Besitzvermerk auf Vorsatz von Band I. Sonst saubere und wohlerhaltene Exemplare.
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EUR 126,00
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John Cassell's Illustrated History of England. - [8 Bände. Komplett].

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