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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is All Creatures Great and Small
The Title is The World of All Creatures Great & Small : Welcome to Skeldale House

Condition New

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New Store Stock

Product Description -
Welcome to the wonderful world of Skeldale House: the veterinary surgery and bustling waiting room for the locals of Darrowby village and their animals. In this exclusive behind-the-scenes book, go through the doors of the famous 1930s practice and discover the real-life inspirations for the TV remake of All Creatures Great & Small. Offering exclusive insight into the making of the show, and paying homage to its impressive heritage, including Herriot's bestselling memoirs and the long-running series, but also to the incredible backdrop of the Yorkshire Dales, this book is the ultimate celebration of a cast of characters - human and animal - who have been bringing us joy for over fifty years. Along with exclusive interviews with the actors Samuel West, Anna Madeley, Nicholas Ralph, Callum Woodhouse and Rachel Shenton, you will get to know everyone from the vet advisor, the animal trainers and the animals themselves, to the director Brian Percival, the make-up artists and the production team. Learn about their adventures on- and off-screen as they went about evoking the authentic experience of the house, the practice and its unforgettable setting. This is the world of James Herriot and the Yorkshire Dales as you've never seen it before.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153993782

Unique Reference Number 2288694068