Rebecca Rubin - AG’s BeForever Historical doll from era 1914.

lively girl with dramatic flair, growing up in New York City.

She has wavy honey brown hair & beautiful hazel eyes that open & close,

a cloth body, vinyl arms & legs. She’wearing her Meet Outfit.

*A plum DRESS & purple boucle’ jacket featuring a velvet bow & pearl buttons

*A pair of black TIGHTS

*A pair of purple velvet MaryJane SHOES with Velcro closure & pearl buttons

About Rebecca

Where she lives: In an apartment with her parents, siblings & grandparents

Treasured tradition: Observing the Sabbath with her extended Jewish family

She dreams of: Becoming an actress so she can sing & perform

She’s expected to: Follow her family’s wishes & become a teacher.

What changes her life: Helping a family from Russia make the transition to life in America.

What she discovers: It’s possible to honor family traditions & celebrate what it means to be American