Once We Were Naked. : Beau Brummell's Nude Extravaganza, Paperback by Bush, Michael F., ISBN 1724455966, ISBN-13 9781724455963, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

Beau Brummell was a Pretoria farm boy from South Africa, with a short back and sides haircut, named Michael Bush, who became a flamboyant Rock 'n Roll pop star in London during the swinging 60's along with Tom Jones, Beatles and Rolling the persona of regency dandy Beau Brummell Esquire. In the 1970's he was the star of the biggest selling photo story magazine "Beau the Untamed" in South Africa. His cowboy movie "Three Bullets for a Long Gun" sold in the USA in 1971, showed around the world. But, it was as a nudist that he really became Nudist Colony called Beau Valley, was visited by more than 100,000 families mostly German and Afrikaans. The first nudist resort in apartheid South Africa for "Whites Only". Beau was arrested 9 times by the police. Professor Phillip Tobias said "Brummell featured in my . series, Tobias' Bodies, on evolution and South Africa as the Cradle of Man, because he was a great supporter of evolution, Charles Darwin and my work at Wits University". Tobias said that our ancestors wore no clothes, this is the natural state making a very good link in Brummell's or nudism is the theme of Beau's book intertwined with Darwin's this Nude Extravaganza out of Africa.