Seed collection of 2022-2023.

A mix of Sub-Tropical sundew seeds, which do not need a dormant period (wintering).  This blend of sundews is one of the easiest to grow and care. Ideal for beginners!

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Mix contains tropical Sundews of 7 types (5 seeds each): 
- Drosera spatulata;
- Drosera spatulata var. lovellae;
- Drosera burmannii;
- Drosera capensis;
- Drosera capensis "Alba";
- Drosera nidiformis;
- Drosera coccicaulis "Alba".

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Attention: Please note that the seeds are extremely small - like a dust. Please be very careful while unpacking and handling them.

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Sowing seeds of Tropical Sundew:

 1. Substrate and container / greenhouse.
Substrate - Sour peat : perlite (1:1) or Sour peat : quartz (1:1). Please note: the mix should not contain additives (mineralization, vitamins, etc.); peat pH should be between 3 and 4,5, with neutral and sterile perlite (you can prepare substrate yourself from quality ingredients, buy it from my shop ( or buy Carnivorous Plants Mix from commercial suppliers). 
Place the substrate in a sowing container, moisten with distilled water. The container must be hermetically sealed and have a transparent lid.
2. Sowing.
Be careful when sowing: the seeds are very small and can fly off at the slightest breath of air. Seeds must be sown on the soil surface, without deepening (!).
3. Care.
The container should be placed in a bright, not sunny place. Germinating of seeds under a (grow) lamp gives the best results. Adjust the distance between the lamp and the container to ensure the seedbed does not overheat. Indoor temperature should be at least 72 F. Seed germination occurs within 2-4 weeks.

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Carnivorous Plant Soil Mix:

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SHIPPING TERMS & CONDITIONS - Please Read Carefully:

1. We ship orders twice a week all year round to all US States and Territories, as well as Canada and Mexico.
2. In general we do not ship to other countries but can make exclusions in certain cases. Please contact us upfront if you want to order. 
3. We guarantee the quality of our seeds. However, germination critically depends on strict adherence to supplied instructions, as these plants require specific germination conditions. Please consult with us if you have any questions/doubts. No replacements/refunds if instructions are not followed.
4. We are not responsible for any items lost or delayed in the mail processing, showing as delivered but not found for any reason, damaged during transit, or any other problems with USPS.
5. By making a purchase in our shop, you fully agree with the above Shop Rules.