Taking place centuries after the events of the original EverQuest, this second installment introduces fans to a very different Norrath: a planet that in 500 years has endured numerous catastrophes that have changed its nature and altered the destinies of its people. The planet's moon Luclin collided with Norrath, bringing about an entire "Age of Cataclysms" that included not only "The Shattering" (the collision of Luclin with Norrath), but also many other catastrophes such as world wars and divine interference. Now, during Norrath's "Time of Destiny," players will explore through the shadows of these events that Norrath has endured over the past 500 years. <br><br>At the beginning, players will start out on Atonica, the original continent of EverQuest. As a result of "The Shattering," Atonica has been broken into multiple, smaller continents. Though only the shattered Atonica is available to explore at first, players can look forward to many developments through live updates and planned expansion pack content. It should be noted, however, that there is plenty to explore here, with the cities Qeynos and Freeport each containing 17 zones.<br><br>Improved graphics rendering is apparent through the players' ability to customize their characters' appearances with various attributes: eye and eyebrow shape and color, ears, cheeks, chin, and lips are all customizable. The cycle of day turning to night is nothing new from the original to this latest version of EverQuest, however the visuals of a rotating sky, turning from daylight into a star- and nebula-filled night sky, is. Not just a graphical touch, this progression from day into night also affects gameplay, as certain spells become more or less powerful according to the time of day. <br><br>There are a total 16 playable races (four of which are new), along with 100 levels and 48 classes. As players advance and begin to define their characters, they may choose a class using a new branching system, ideal for first-time players as it provides an easier understanding of the various abilities attributed to each class and race. An additional area of improvement lies in the players' ability to gradually develop their characters over time, rather than being faced with a number of abstruse or confusing choices from the beginning. To put it simply, starting players will pick a race, choose an appearance, and choose from one of five archetypes: fighter, mage, priest, scout, or artisan. From this point on, it is the players' in-game actions and decisions that will determine which class they eventually fall into.