About this Item

The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Stephanie Weaver
The Title is The Migraine Relief Plan Cookbook : More Than 100 Anti-Inflammatory Recipes for Managing Headaches and Living a Healthier Life

Condition New

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Pages Count - 248. Binding type - Hardcover.
Content Language - English
Category - COOKING / Health & Healing / Low Salt
HEALTH & FITNESS / Pain Management
HEALTH & FITNESS / Diet & Nutrition / Diets

Product Description -
Following the publication of her first book, The Migraine Relief Plan, a step-by-step plan to achieve a healthier lifestyle for those who suffer severe migraines and chronic illnesses, and those who care for them, Stephanie Weaver received a flood of requests from readers seeking more recipes. She spent the next few years expanding her research, meticulously testing new recipes, and interviewing a wide range of health professionals, advocates, patients, and caregivers. The result is The Migraine Relief Plan Cookbook, an essential guide to healthier eating and mindful living, which aims to help readers mitigate the symptoms of severe migraines, headaches, and other chronic illnesses. It also features a foreword by nutrition scholar Margaret Slavin, PhD, RDN, and neurology professor Dawn C. Buse, PhD. The 100 delicious, plan-friendly recipes of The Migraine Relief Plan Cookbook include foods for every meal of the day, plus snacks, drinks, sauces, and condiments, as well as serving suggestions and a chapter on preparing healthy, wholesome meals from leftovers. This robust selection of recipes, enhanced with Weaver's favorite preparation tips and personal insights, empowers readers to create beautiful meals that support their health. Her insightful interviews with health professionals, advocates, and patients provide tips for ongoing self-care, pain management, and building resilience. This book will help readers benefit from a holistic approach to battling migraines and chronic pain. The Migraine Relief Plan Cookbook arms readers with the recipes, research, professional insight, and lifestyle tips necessary to face their symptoms head-on.

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