Pick your cards to complete your own Base Set!

Pick your card! Base Set Complete Common Pokemon Cards - 43-69 / 91-95 / 97-102 - All Base set common cards are listed to buy!

043  Abra
044  Bulbasaur
045  Caterpie
046  Charmander
047  Diglett
048  Doduo
049  Drowzee
050  Gastly
051  Koffing
052  Machop
053  Magnemite
054  Metapod
055  Nidoran M
056  Onix
057  Pidgey
058  Pikachu
059  Poliwag
060  Ponyta
061  Rattata
062  Sandshrew
063  Squirtle
064  Starmie
065  Staryu
066  Tangela
067  Voltorb
068  Vulpix
069  Weedle

091  Bill
092  Energy Removal
093  Gust of Wind
094  Potion
095  Switch

097  Fighting Energy
098  Fire Energy
099  Grass Energy
100  Lightning Energy
101  Psychic Energy
102  Water Energy