Enhance your crystal collection with this stunning cross-shaped crystal mini healing naturual stone 8 piece set.

-Yellow Jasper: considered a protective stone that can shield its user from jealousy and gossip. It is worn to encourage self-confidence and ease unnecessary worrying. It may boost mental capacity and entice continuous learning. Yellow Jasper is an excellent stone for self-improvement. Use it to align all of the chakras when needed.

-Unakite: activates the Third Eye chakra to stimulate psychic abilities and manifestation. When a small piece is placed under one's pillow, it is believed to aid in restless sleep, as its positive vibrations offer calming energy that encourages relaxation. It is also thought to balance the emotions and help to relieve stress.

-Marble: Marble's vibrations can help release stress, anxiety, and negative emotions. used as a cleansing stone, often used in the fields of naturopathy and homeopathy for its balancing qualities.

-Lapis Lazuli: powerful vibrating stone that stimulates the Third Eye chakra for greater enlightenment and spiritual wisdom. It is believed to intensify the connection with the spirit realm, aiding the user in the development of their psychic abilities. It is often used to remove negative thoughts and anger, encouraging harmony and balance for greater happiness and well-being.

-Lepidolite: believed to be a great stress reliever and emotional healer. Its positive energies can be an aid for deeper meditation and for stimulating synchronicity. It is often used in times of grief, reportedly working best on the higher chakras to open the heart to love and joy, which in turn can encourage healing of the mind, body, and spirit.

-Aventurine: energy-amplifying stone that can aid in manifestation. It is often considered a good luck stone as it may help attract prosperity and good fortune. It enhances creativity and strengthens leadership skills. It is often used as a mood booster that can contribute to better vitality and happiness

-Magnesite: powerful stone that aids the Crown and Third Eye chakras to encourage creativity and deeper meditation. It is often used to aid one in psychic visions and manifestation. When used on the Heart chakra its positive energy encourages self-love and improves self-esteem and confidence. It aligns the chakras for better health of the mind, body, and spirit.

-Tree Agate: considered a protective stone that will shield its user in times of trouble. Its positive energy helps to strengthen relationships between friends and family and helps the user make a stronger connection to all things in nature. It gets used to enhance vitality and boost self-confidence, giving the user a sense of hope and goodwill

-unique stones

-perfect for meditation and prayer

-intricate patterns and colors of these crystals make them a beautiful addition to

-cross shape, adding to its beauty and uniqueness.

-perfect for those seeking serenity and healing, and their calming energy will help bring peace and tranquility to any environment.

The information contained in this section is metaphysical in nature. Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment.