The Variomatik MALOSSI Multivar, thanks to a substantially optimized shifting process, brings very good results even on serial engines with regard to the improvement of top speed and acceleration, and that without putting more stress on the engine.

So for each model the roller races have been specifically calculated and the useful range of the sliding surface of the belt has been additionally extended.

With such a high technological effort, it is almost a matter of course that the best materials and the most modern production methods are used:
Self-lubricating sliding bush made of sintered steel
Hub made of alloyed steel
Sliding surface with a layer of hard, ground and lapped chrome
Silicium-aluminium alloy half-belt pulley manufactured with precision NC machines
Diamond finishing

With it, nothing stands in the way of completely new driving pleasure. Jerk-free starting, greater shifting comfort, mechanical -still- even at high speed and constant driving performance are the result.

sizes rollers: 20x17mm
number of rollers used in the variator: 6
number of roller sets incl.: 1
mass roller set 1: 12.5 g
contrast spring incl.:
number of contrast springs incl.: 1

Simple to fit and looks great on any machine.

Any questions regarding fitting to your machine please ask.