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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Chris Saper
The Title is Beautiful Portrait Painting in Oils : Keys to Mastering Diverse Skin Tones and More

Condition New

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Product Description -
How to paint oil portraits like the Old Masters Mona Lisa. Girl with a Pearl Earring. Madame X. The infinite variety and beauty of humankind--like the mysteries behind sparkling eyes, a sly smile or an averted gaze--has captivated artists since the beginning of time. This expanded edition of Chris Saper's best-selling guide, Classic Portrait Painting in Oils, reveals keys for mastering how to paint beautiful portraits in oil to create soulful works of art. Through easy-to-follow lessons and expert oil painting tips and techniques, you'll find secrets for working from life, using reference photos and more to create rich, realistic portraits imbued with timeless character. 14 step-by-step demonstrations teach how to paint 7 diverse subjects of varying skin tones from life and from photographic referenceAdditional exercises reveal expert oil painting techniques for defining facial details, like eyes, mouths, wrinkles, facial hair and eyeglassesProfessional tips for working from life, including ideal session times, posing, seeing and mixing color and even how to work with childrenThe basics of using natural, artificial, creative and "Rembrandt" lighting to light your subject and convey a moodExpanded key concepts of "perfect practice," the importance of regularly painting subjects in real time and an insistence on excellent photographic reference material, including a checklist for how to take--and self-edit--your own quality photosNew material on how to approach and execute paid commissions, including step-by-step demonstrations for painting both corporate and family subjectsThrough Saper's universal techniques, painters of all skill levels will learn to render more realistic portraits of every subject they paint, with predictable and joyful results.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153987265

Unique Reference Number 2295035314