Meditation can completely change your life. 

While countless products, remedies, hacks, and lifestyle changes all promise to hold the ‘answer’, only meditation really comes close to actually delivering on that promise. And this is no coincidence: it’s simply because meditation is the only method among these that focuses on helping you to improve yourself. On getting you to dig deep, and to change the way you approach life and situations. It gives you more command over your own mind and will, and helps you to become the best version of yourself. 

Meditation helps you to rise above stress and worry, thereby finding peace in your everyday – and improving your happiness, health, and general wellbeing to a huge degree. Moreover though, meditation can also help to improve your performance by bringing stress under control. It can help you to focus your attention like a laser, to become unflappable in a crisis, and to tap into reserves of creativity, compassion, and wisdom that you never knew you had. 

The problem is that meditation is too often thought of as this ‘mystical’ practice, that has strong ties to religion, spirituality, and even mysticism. Many people will therefore be put off before they even start. 

Others might recognize the growing acceptance of meditation as a proven, scientific method for encouraging positive changes in the brain at a biological level – but still find themselves daunted. How do you begin to start? How can you calm a mind that doesn’t want to be still? 

How can you possibly find the time? 

This book is going to explore all of those things and more. Over the course of this tome, you will discover the major types of meditation, how they are different, and how to use them. What’s more, is that you will learn how to employ those forms of meditation in a manner that is practical, easy, and highly effective.

We will be demystifying what should be a very simple and powerful tool. By the end, the power will be in your hands to take the core principles of meditation and mindfulness, and to apply them in a manner that applies to you.

In this book, you will learn: