U.S.A Gold    

For collectors of native gold, here's a rich specimen from the California hills. The gold you see packed inside shows great color and character. Locked inside the mass of oro is parent rock and gangue, a mix of bull quartz and rust-filled vugs. You won't get your money's worth in precious metal because these are specimens, not coin, jewelry, or  bullion. Having mined gold for nineteen years, I guarantee the high quality of the Au. It's the real McCoy, folks. If you get jazzed seeing gold, this one may blow you away. Featured specimen is from California's Sierra Nevada Mtns.  
Quartz veins are seldom uniform in richness. Once in a blue moon, a vein releases a bonanza pocket. Some men specialize in hunting for pocket gold. If you were to follow an exposed vein encircling some desolate mountainside, maybe one or two lenses along that entire span might throw off a high-grade pocket. Once erosion removes this high grade material from the outcropping, the released gold can be hidden in a pediment or in washes directly beneath the 'blowout'. Detectorists encounter them as ripe-for-the-picking nugget patches - full of coarse eluvial placer, gold quartz specimen, maybe even crystalline gold. Much of it still has host rock i.e. pieces of gangue attached. That's basically what we have here. Enriched pockets of lode gold generally 'pinch out', but occasionally, if you were to drive a tunnel deeper into the vein, more pockets might be encountered. 
Please check my feedback for any disputes arising from non-authenticity issues. There are none. 

  Specimen weight: 1.66 Gram - 25.7 Grains
Size - 11.6X10X7.2 mm   
Ruler (if shown) is 1/4" wide (actual size).
A U.S. 10 cent piece is often used to show size of the item for sale. 
In case you're unhappy with this specimen, I offer a money back guarantee.
With regards to my gold quartz parcels, gold quartz specimens, slabs, and cabochon, I only deal in rocks containing naturally-occurring visible gold.
 Most of us interested in oro (Atomic symbol Au) like to see authentic, native gold in their specimens; gold that was put there by natural, elemental forces, not by some man's hand. It's an aesthetic we share and that's what I sell - authentic, natural, gold quartz (with VG visible gold).
Weight Conversions:
15.43 GRAINS = 1 GRAM
S & H
Combined shipping offered. For multiple item purchases, please request an invoice (from the seller) when you buy more than one item. 

S & H is $4.00 (shipped via USPS with tracking to all U.S. destinations). 

Combined shipping offered. 


INTNL. BUYERS S&H - $15.00 (via First Class Parcel)



 For U.S. buyers: We accept paypal. 
For intnl. customers: We accept paypal.
Pay securely with www.paypal.
Payment must be made within 7 days from close of  auction.  We ship as soon as funds clear. If you have questions, please ask them before bidding.
  We leave no stones un-turned insuring our customers get what they bargained for. If you're not satisfied with this item, contact me. Then, if the problem can't be resolved, return product within 30 days in  'as purchased' condition for a full refund (S & H included. For those who know the ups and downs of the precious metals market, this is a heck of a deal. Buy it and if the market drops dramatically in the next 30 days, you can return it for what you paid for it. That's a pretty cool insurance policy for precious metal buyers. I think most specimen buyers, however, are more interested in these rocks for their intrinsic beauty and collectability than they are for their gold content.

It’s been my experience that finding a little gold can be almost as much fun as finding a lot. Making consistent pay, however, is high on every vocational miner's wish list. After a while, this hunt for yellow metal gets in your blood. If you're weary of working 'the grid', tired of wearing another man's collar, time in the goldfields can be like living the dream. Back when I swung a real pick, not this 'silver one', placer mining found itself a convert. Even after learning how much work it took to find one tiny little nugget, I was hooked. Following a day of rock- chucking, I took pride in my callouses and bone-weariness. In the desert especially, I learned where gold liked to hide. Often, it showed up in places where no one else thought to look. Tracing leads down through a meandering drywash or creekbed is like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle. You're looking for specific features scattered around the landscape - bends and bars, boulder packs and black sands. They're solid, tell-tale clues, evidence, indicators of gold hidden across the earth's skin and within deep beneath her epidermal crust. In being observant, by reading signs etched onto the terrain by erosion, nature leads you to your quarry. While failing to hit any big bonanzas, most seasons, I found good color - 10, 15, 20 oz seasons and nuggets over 2 oz. This was all hand work. No heavy equipment was used other than suction dredges. While I was busy working other mining districts, associates were uncovering incredible sums of gold. Much to their credit, they were hard-charging, opportunistic prospectors and miners; savvy hunters of the golden fleece; more determined than most to reach that ever-elusive goal of 'rich ground ahead.' Small-scale mining is highly individualistic. Each miner/prospector achieves his or her own successes or failures. While pursuing that dream, I came to believe a man's word (my word) should count for something. In keeping it, one stands tall amongst their peers. No need to skulk about in the shadows of mistrust and doubt concerning one's own integrity. If a claim or property owner asks for 20% royalty and you agree to those terms, 20% is what they should get. One's word should be their bond and promise that something will be done or given. Nowadays, it seems we live in a radically different age where ethical principles have no place. Many seem attracted to the dark side with few qualms about partaking in pillage, plunder, deceit, slight-of-hand, larceny, or worse. They take what they want with no regret, no thought to how their conduct negatively impacts others or their own sense of self-respect. It's my fervent belief one reaps what they sow. Chances are, in time, those who choose to live by the outlaw creed receive their just desserts. Integrity matters.
If there's one lesson about prospecting a guy who's been there
might pass on, it’s "go where the gold is, not where it
isn't". Lesson number two - "live an honorable life."


Gold of Eldorado  3-10-13