About this Item

The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Tony Bacon
The Title is The Gretsch Electric Guitar Book : 60 Years of White Falcons, 6120s, Jets, Gents and More

Condition New

Other Comments
Pages Count - 00160. Binding type - Perfect. This item is NOT Returnable.

Product Description -
Gretsch electric guitars have a style all their own a a glitzy wacky retro charm that over the years has drawn players from all kinds of popular music from timeless stars to unknown teens. The Beatles Chet Atkins Duane Eddy and Brian Setzer all made their mark with Gretsch and new bands continually discover and fall in love with the Falcons Gents 6120s Jets and the rest.THEThe Gretsch Electric Guitar BookE comes right up to the present including Gretsch's alliance to the powerful Fender company a move that has done wonders for the reliability and playability of the modern Gretsch axe. Every great model is here but the book also tells the story of the lesser-known guitars and the projects that almost never happened. There are archival and fresh interviews with Gretsch personnel over the years and with many leading Gretsch players including Chet Atkins Billy Duffy Duane Eddy and Brian Setzer.THIn the tradition of Tony Bacon's best-selling series of guitar books his updated and revised story of Gretsch is three great volumes in one: a compendium of luscious pictures of the coolest guitars a gripping story from early exploits to the most recent developments and a detailed collector's guide to every production electric Gretsch model ever made.

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