Majestic Ginkgo Biloba (Maidenhair Tree) - Living Fossil!


Own a piece of living history with this magnificent Ginkgo biloba, also known as the Maidenhair Tree! This unique and versatile tree boasts stunning features and a rich history.

Here's what makes Ginkgo biloba special:

Grow a legend in your own backyard! Ginkgo biloba is a perfect choice for adding a touch of history, beauty, and resilience to your landscape.

Height: 30-80 ft (mature) at maturity

Don't miss your chance to own this remarkable piece of living history!

Propagating Ginkgo biloba from Seeds: Patience is Key!

Ginkgo biloba seeds can be germinated at home, but it's a slow process requiring patience and specific conditions. Here's a step-by-step guide:

What you'll need:

  • Fresh Ginkgo biloba seeds (ideally collected in fall and stored properly over winter)
  • Stratification medium (moist sand or a mixture of sand and peat moss)
  • Potting mix suitable for seedlings (well-draining with good aeration)
  • Pots with drainage holes
  • Plastic bag


  1. Stratification (Winter Simulation): This step mimics the cold winter period seeds experience naturally and is crucial for breaking seed dormancy.

    • Mix your Ginkgo seeds with the stratification medium in a container.
    • Moisten the mixture thoroughly but not soggy.
    • Place the container in a refrigerator (between 35-40°F / 1.5-4°C) for 3-4 months. Check and mist occasionally to maintain moisture.
  2. Planting:

    • After stratification, prepare your pots with well-draining seedling mix.
    • Plant each seed about 1-2 inches deep in individual pots.
    • Water gently to moisten the soil.
  3. Germination and Care:

    • Place the pots in a warm location with indirect sunlight (around 70-80°F / 21-27°C).
    • Keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering. A spray bottle can be helpful for maintaining moisture.
    • Germination can be very slow, taking anywhere from several weeks to several months. Be patient!
    • Once seedlings emerge, gradually introduce them to more sunlight.
  4. Transplanting:

    • When seedlings reach a few inches tall with several sets of leaves, they can be transplanted into larger pots with fresh potting mix.


  • Wear gloves when handling Ginkgo biloba seeds, as the fleshy outer layer can irritate skin.
  • Soaking the seeds in warm water for 24 hours before stratification may improve germination success.
  • Ginkgo biloba seedlings are sensitive to frost. Protect them from cold temperatures.

Remember: Germinating Ginkgo biloba from seed can be a long and challenging process, but with proper care and patience, you can successfully cultivate your own living fossil!