RARE July 23, 1910 NEW YORK DRAMATIC MIRROR with Blanche Bates, Marion Manola, Hamilton Revelle, Daisy Humphrys, Acton Davies cover. FEATURES on Editorials on Some Facts to Face; Margaret Mayo A Successful Playwright with photo and 2 columns; Actors’ Superstitions 2/3 column; The Matinee Girl items on 2/3 column on Gertrude Elliott; The Avid Public Rushes to see Prize Fighters as well as Dramatic Artists; Censorship for New York? On the London Stage items on to see Pavlowa is to be transported with delight…Marie Alexandrovitch remarkable young soprano at Covent Garden…Olga Tcharna drawing crowds to Empire; J. M. Barrie, Mary Ansell divorce…now rumored with Pauline Chase, Dorothy Eugenie Brett…Ethel Levy at Alhambra; 2/3 page on In the Warring Camps on Henry Savage, Chas Frohman; The Actors’ Society Column; Book Review on “In Memorial, Bronson Howard,” 

PHOTOS of Christie MacDonald with 23 lines of text; Nazimova with 4 lines; Emma Carus plus 5 lines; Mr. and Mrs. Max Figman in touring auto; Sir John Hare; Kate Denin plus ½ column; Walt Cluxton plus 7 lines; Wm Quaid plus 2 paragraphs; Warren Kerrigan, Essanay Leading Man with 5 paragraphs; 

AT THE THEATRES on “ Kreutzer Sonata” at Academy of Music poorest offering yet; “King Dodo” well played and sung at Plaza Music Hall by Aborn Comic Opera…Ada Meade proved herself a most capable songstress…Dorothy Webb excellent…John Phillips showed no interest or warmth in his work; 

NEWS ITEMS on 2 paragraphs on Mary Garden; 4 paragraphs on Hermann Vezin; 4 paragraphs on John Alexander; 18 lines on Effingham Pinto; 20 lines on Bessie McCoy; 11 lines on Elsa Ryan; 2 paragraphs on W. B. Yeats and National Theatre in Dublin; George Alexander with 3 paragraphs; Ellis Jeffreys lovely as an American sunrise; Fritzi Scheff purchases 150 acres Kentucky estate; successful Mrs. Fiske Summer Tour of West Coast; Clyde Fitch’s Art Treasures gifted to Metropolitan Museum; Laura Burt at 5th Avenue; Bessie Abott to star in Pietro Mascagni’s new opera, “Ysobel,” Mlle. Adelaide danced at Casino; Beulah Poynter divorce; Gert Hoffman Farewell; Belle Elmore body b=found in North London; W. H. Murphy and Blanche Nichols to star in “The Sins of the Father,” Madame Melba return to Met  at $4,000 a night; Mary Garden $18,00 a performance for 50 performances; Puccini” The Girl of the Golden West” at Met for first time; Wallace Bonney a pillar of strength in Chicago; 5 lines on Edythe Hamilton; 6 lines on Florence Guise; 4 lines on Ollie Minell; Julia Dean scores in Washington; Charlotte Hunt unusual opportunity for playing with good effect in Boston; notable work by Rogers Barker in Springfield; Blanche Morrison delightful in dual roles in Newark; new laurels for True Boardman in Seattle; Holbrook Blinn played to perfection in San Fran; Marion Barney most popular leading woman of Orpheum Players; Sarah Edwards excellent in St. Louis; Gert Maitland most popular in Cedar Rapids; clash between Martin Beck and B. F. Keith; Mlle Bouerette guilty of poisoning tenor; Mrs. Leslie Carter best part in years; Marie Barry scored big hit in Fall River
…Virginia Reid, Ella May Dufflin heard to good advantage; 12 lines on Gus Forbes Stock in Duluth; Gladys Caldwell winning new honors in Elmira; Ruth Chester played with finished artistry in Rochester; Mabel Montgomery, who came to Scranton with the reputation of being a real stock star, succeeds Marguerite Fields; 

DATES AHEAD for Will Cressy, Blanche Daynbe, Suzanne Roccamora, Margaret Anglin, Gus Forbes; Virginia Harned, Chas King, Clara Turner, and hundreds more; Parks and Airdomes; 

MOTION PICTURE FIELD SECTION items on FILM REVIEWS; FILM RELEASES LISTINGS: Johnson-Jeffries Fight Film Out; 4 paragraphs on The Edison Kinetogram; Lubin Notes; Censorship and regulation; Essanay Contest for new name for “Moving Picture Show,” The Essanay Guide; Pathe Films; Dr. Wendham’s Experiment; 

ADS for ½ page Vitagraph for Uncle Tom’s Cabin” with scene; American Seating Opera Chairs; ½ page Biograph with scenes from “A Flash of Light” and “ As the Bells Rang Out,” Johnson-Jeffries Contest Pictures; Essanay with scenes from “the Desperado” “A Fair Exchange,” Lubin with scene from “Wife’s Mama,” 

CONDITION: COMPLETE 32 pages filled with early stage, theatre and motion picture productions, actors, actresses, producer, authors, industry news. WAS PART OF BOUND VOLUME therefore bare spine, restapled, edge wear, edge tears/chips, some upper water soiling; decent condition for age.