Varicosette can be the main helper when it comes to varicose veins, and all thanks to its unique properties:

makes veins invisible, as well as completely removes the vascular network;
significantly strengthens the walls of blood vessels, giving them additional elasticity and firmness;
relieves all pain and discomfort that can occur with varicose veins;
relieves fatigue and heaviness in the legs that appear at the end of the working day;
promotes the resorption of blood clots.                                                                                                                                                           Composition of Varikosette
All the ingredients included in the composition of the presented cream are distinguished by their absolute naturalness and increased effectiveness. Its main components are:

extracts of sunflower and corn silks. They have the most beneficial effect on the skin, caring for it and enriching it with an incredible amount of vitamins and nutrients. And this helps to normalize all metabolic processes taking place in the cells themselves.
Gamemalis. Quickly relieves leg discomfort.                                                                                                                                                     Principle of operation of Varicosette
The effectiveness of Varikosette is achieved due to the fact that all its active components quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and begin to have a therapeutic effect there. The walls of the venous vessels are significantly strengthened. Impaired blood circulation normalizes, blood clots begin to gradually dissolve. The condition of the skin improves. The veins narrow, swelling and cramps disappear. A woman feels more and more lightness in her legs every day.                                                                                    Directions for use
Using Varikosette cream is very simple. It doesn't take much time to complete the whole procedure. First, it is recommended to rinse your feet under running water, and then dry them with a towel. Then you can start applying the product itself. This should be done with massage movements, starting with the feet and ending with the hips. After that, you need to give it a few minutes so that it is completely absorbed into the epidermis.