This TY Beanie Baby named "Congo" is a highly sought-after collectible from 1996. It is a vintage item that is perfect for those who love Sesame Street characters and Ty toys. This Beanie Baby is made in the United States and is recommended for any age range. The toy is made of high-quality materials that ensure it lasts for a long time. It is a rare item that is perfect for collectors or those who want to add to their Beanie Baby collection. This particular item is part of the Retired, Beanbag Plush, and Toys & Hobbies categories. Get your hands on this very rare TY Beanie Baby named "Congo" today!

Introduction Date - June 15, 1996

Date of Birth -  November 9, 1996

Retired - December 31, 1998

Barcode # 08421041602