Pretty Feet & Hands Rough Skin Remover  Exfoliant

  • Exfoliant.
  • Soft, sensuous skin is just waiting to be uncovered on your feet, hands and other dry problem areas.
  • Without abrasives or harsh chemicals, Pretty Feet & Hands Rough Skin Remover gently exfoliates dull, dead skin cells to reveal smooth, new skin.
  • Your skin's condition improves with each use of Rough Skin Remover.

 NOTE: Please be advised that the bottle will seem less then full when you receive it. That is because the manufacturer stopped producing this item in the blue bottle and has started making it this white and pink bottle to help breast care awareness. The lotion inside the bottle is 3 oz but the bottle that they are putting it in now is just taller.

ABC number: 10019881
