Takaoka Copperware is a brand located in Toyama Prefecture, Japan.
The work is by Sotaro Saegusa.
He produces a series of Japanese zodiac signs, of which this is a mouse. The rat is considered a lucky animal in Japan, as it brings prosperity to offspring.
Size 13 inches x 5.3 inches, height 6 inches

Takaoka copperware is a copper product produced mainly in Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture, Japan. Its history is long, dating back to the Edo period, and Takaoka City has long been known as a copper-producing region. The Takaoka area has an abundant underground copper vein, and copperware manufacturing has flourished by taking advantage of this copper resource. Takaoka copperware is known for its superior techniques and beautiful designs. Craftsmen have inherited traditional techniques while creating products that meet modern needs and trends. A wide variety of items are produced, including daily necessities, cooking utensils, flower vases, and festival implements. The manufacturing process of Takaoka copperware is extremely time-consuming. First, copper is melted, poured into a mold, and cooled to form the shape. Then, skilled craftsmen use hammers and knives to shape and finish the details. Finally, the beautiful finish is achieved through processes such as polishing and coloring. These products are highly regarded both in Japan and abroad for their beauty and durability. Takaoka copperware is part of Japan's traditional craftsmanship and is treasured as a cultural heritage.