Huge Harlequin Army, with magnetised parts, Checks painted really just needs highlights. lois of weapon options and lots of sprues and transfers.Characters - Death Jester, Solitare, Shadowseer (magnetised), Troop Master (magnetised)20 Troups - all with a vaierty of weapons alot of them painted and magnetised ready to go, some on the sprue. Both arms magnetised 5 fully painted harlequin skyweavers, Arms are magnetised and the weapon. The star bolas too.5 part painted Skyweavers, riders are painted and magnetised and the weapon. The vehicles need some attention. 4 fully painted and magnetised voidweaver/skyweaver. All crew ready need some assembly and painting. All the checks are painted and they look very good on the table top. + Citidel Carry Case