This unique German beer decanter is a very attractive collectible.  The base material of the decanter is glass with white paint or enamel over it and applied design and rubber gasket with metal clamp closer.  The top seems to be plastic.  It is in excellent condition.

The front has a gold-colored banner proclaiming: Date with Destiny – America’s Greatest Generation.  Below this is the outline of a U. S. flag waving with a New York Times front page headline “Japan Wars on U.S. and Britain; Makes Sudden Attack on Hawaii; Heavy Fighting at Sea Reported.”  There are also traditional pictures and posters (Uncle Sam Wants You, Fight or Buy Bonds, United We Win, etc.)  Below the flag is another gold-colored banner reading “To some generations much is given.  Of other generations, much is expected.  This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny…” FDR June 27, 1936.

On the back, below the handle, is another American flag with these words superimposed over it:

This stein is a tribute to the men and women of the World War II generation.  From the home front to the battle front, this generation opposed and defeated the greatest tyranny ever.  Soldiers, sailors, and aviators made the ultimate sacrifice in far away lands.  Great also were the sacrifices of those who remained behind.  This generation gave up their youth to fight a war.  They did it with humility, integrity, and honesty.  We all owe a debt of gratitude to “America’s Greatest Generation.”  Let’s not allow their twilight years to pass without saying “Thank You.”

The words have a shadow behind them, as you can see in the photo.

Around the base, about 1 ½” above the bottom, is a design feature that is part of the glass.  A narrower band is around the neck.

The top is made of plastic and has a red rubber stopper and metal clamp to seal the bottle.  The label reads:

Marke Altenmunster Brauer Bier


D-87616 Marktoberdari

I don’t speak German and had difficulty reading the fancy script, so I’m sure some of these words are misspelled.

The bottom has the letter H with a circle around it, 3, 21, 90mm, 10.  I have no idea what that means; maybe someone out there can tell us.

The decanter stands 13 ½” tall with a 4 ¼” base and a 2+” top.  It is in excellent condition; it would be a valuable addition to a WWII collection or just sitting on your bar.   What a thoughtful gift for someone from the Greatest Generation.