Note: This is a Presale. The coin is to be issued in May and shipped MAXIMUM within 1 month of its Issue Date. All reservations Guaranteed!

Item as in pictures.


On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings, the Paris Mint is striking a collection paying tribute to the soldiers of the different allied nations. Through 4 unique destinies, it is the French commandos, the British airborne and the American and Canadian infantrymen who are honored in this Historical collection. 

James, an American officer, is part of the 1st Infantry division. He landed on Omaha Beach, nicknamed Bloody Omaha. He poses here in front of the beach at the end of the day. In the background, we can see the bunkers as well as the numerous barges and ships offshore which provide support for the beachhead.

On June 6, 1944, the 16th infantry regiment landed at 6:30 a.m. in Normandy in front of the town of Colleville-sur-Mer. But German resistance is extremely strong and the Americans are on the verge of catastrophe. The losses are immense

However, they did not lose motivation and forced the Atlantic Wall!

The reverse of these coins represents a spiral of all the Allied nations having participated in the landing, on the land, naval or air side. The stars under the flags are also a tribute to the “Road of Freedom”, kilometer markers marking the route followed by the 3rd American Army for the liberation of France to Luxembourg.

Technical Specifications

Diameter:      37 mm
Metal:              Silver 999/1000
Weight:              22.2 g
Quality:              Proof 
Mintage:              1944
Year:                    2024
Face value:      10€