Mysterious Planet & The Cyborg and the Sorcerers, Paperback, Del Rey, Watt Evans

The Mysterious Planet, Lester Del Rey, 1982

Science Fiction Adventure - Planet X

Discovered out beyond Pluto, the mysterious planet was at first an astronomical curiosity. Then calculations indicated that its strange orbit would bring it closer to the sun... at twice the speed any planet could move.

Wing Nine of Solar Federation Navy, on its way to investigate the intruding world, encountered a pirate craft armed with unfamiliar weapons, capable of incredible speed, and fleeing towards Planet X. Then more of those strange ships appeared, and the Navy geared up for the first space war.

But Cadet Bob Griffith stubbornly clung to his belief that Earthman and alien could meet peacefully. So, defying orders, he drafted an unstable and spoiled playboy and his space yacht for a last-chance try at stopping Armageddon. For if the might of the Federation met the advanced weaponry of the aliens from Planet X, the inevitable clash would surely destroy all life in the solar system!

The Cyborg and the Sorcerers, Lawrence Watt-Evans, 1982

Mission Impossible

Slant the Cyborg-Warrior had been ordered to kill the enemies of Earth and return with their weapons technology. His robot spacecraft was to see that he did - and kill him if he didn't.

 Problem was - Earth had perished three hundred years before, but no one had told the ship.

 Slant's dilemma seemingly had no solution... then they landed on a strange world where the computer detected 'gravitational anomalies.'

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