Twenty Metallic stick insect eggs with a care guide sent by free Royal Mail first class. Due to hatch soon.

This impressive stick insect species is from Madagascar and is one of the largest insects.

Adult females grow up to 26cm, males grow up to 16cm.

General care:

- They can eat bramble and eucalyptus. Keep branches in a jar of water and replace when needed (cover top of jar so nymphs can’t fall in).

- Keep adults in an enclosure with high ventilation, that is at least 57cm high. A large netted enclosure works well.

- Mist with water daily.

- Keep at room temperature.

- Place paper towel at the bottom of the enclosure for humidity.


Store eggs in a clear, dry container with ventilation. Room temperature is fine. Eggs take 4-5 months to hatch. A thin layer of dry moss over the eggs will help the nymphs hatch.


Move any nymphs into a small, netted enclosure. Light airflow and Cutting the edges of leaves helps to encourage them to eat. Putting an adult stick insect of a smaller, docile species such as an Indian stick insect can also help encourage them to eat.