Ahh.. good intentions. 

This product looks so cool - I could do the majority of exercises I would normally go to the Gym for, but do it in my office!

Product still looks cool, but after 6 months of it sitting unopened in the box I have to be honest with myself, that I will never use it, and it should go to someone else.

product info:

ave you always wanted to do a pull-up, push-up or dip, but lacked the strength to make it happen?

Meet The Doorway Gym—a compact, multifunctional piece of fitness equipment designed to help you build strength, conquer your fitness goals, and transform your body right from the comfort of your own home.

Use the cable handle attachments for a quick pump, attach the cable straps to leverage your body weight as resistance, rep out as many pull-ups as you can with the pull-up bar or attach a weight to the loading strap (kettlebell, weight plate, and more).

We take pride in The Doorway Gym and aim to offer you (and our future customers) the highest-quality products. So, we're offering a 1-year product warranty to cover any parts or pieces that may be defective—no questions asked!

Whether you're a beginner looking to kickstart your fitness routine or a seasoned athlete aiming for peak performance, The Doorway Gym adapts to your needs, offering a wide range of exercises to help you build strength and conquer your fitness goals.

Check out our video to see all the ways you can conquer your goals  💪

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Easily set up or break down the equipment in less than two minutes. Plus, The Doorway Gym features a compact and space-efficient design to easily store away.

Here's a step-by-step tutorial for setup: 

 project video thumbnail

The loading strap on The Doorway Gym is compatible with all weights—kettlebells, dumbbells, weight plates or any other weight you can think of