Motorhome has the coveted 22R reliable and economical 4-cylinder motor coupled with automatic overdrive transmission, equally reliable. The motorhome has a low 101281miles
on the working speedometer.
   This motorhome has served well as  temporary,  and economical type of housing when on our vacations and short term mini vacations, and I also towed my mid sized car behind getting great economy as well,  now very important in these days. This motor home has a Doomed ceiling housing the roof air conditioning this is nice as 
you don't bump your head on the air conditioning
as you would, in normally non Doomed Equipped.
Models it also is equipped with airbags in rear.
   Although I took the Dolphin for a test drive last
fall and it performed well the brakes worked well
It shifted well and the motor ran good as well and I don't see any problems in the near future,
   Sorry to say the coach is not in the same condition and will require some work to bring it back to an acceptable level for comfortable , living.
  While I was at my vacation home in Merida Yucatan, Mexico the roof leaked water and soiled
the ceiling ,leaving a stained but repairable problem.The roof is now tarped to prevent more
I don't believe the rafters are damaged 
but just stained. However I will leave open this
possibly. Staining the rafters, will not in my opinion render them damaged beyond repair or
weak. The ceiling is stained and possibly a small
Panels or maybe two will have to be removed and replaced. The Vent covers above in the ceiling should be replaced they are old and need to be
brought back to standard.
  Actually the motorhome in my opinion is past due for a makeover as things over time get older
although workable should be thrown out and be replaced or refinished and brought up to a new
standard. This is my opinion, but at my age I cannot do the things I used to do, so I will sell it to a person who I hope" Can Do". It will not require a
Pro but  it will require a some DIY skills and a bit of Imagination and self motivation,  After this project is finished I'm sure there will be self satisfaction as a reward as well as a coach worth
much more than you paid for it. All for a weeks work and a few dollars invested.
The refrigerator works , both the air conditionings in the front cabin as well as above in the coach 
both worked well when I quit driving it. The toaster oven works ,the micro wave as well works. Some things will need brought up as I said forgive me if I forgot anything .
This  Motorhome will need some work and so l am selling the motorhome as a Makeover needing some work, and although it seems to be
In running condition and I see no problems for the near future I Will be selling the vehicle in "As Is"
and "Where IS" condition. Thank You for reading 
my presentation  I also recommend 
Trailering the vehicle to your location for these small repairs and any inconveanience on a larger
trip until you know the vehicle for yourself.
    Thanks Terry Owner