S-Tec Corporation 40-50 System Integrated Flight Controls
Table of Contents:
1.0: System Introduction
1.1: System Description
1.2: General Theory of Operation
2.0: Theory of Operation
2.1: Systen 40
2.1.1: Mother Board
2.1.2: Light Board
2.1.3: Switch Board
2.1.4: Roll Servo/Amplifier & Regulator
2.1.5: Lateral Logic
2.1.6: RFGC Board
2.2: System 50
2.2.1: Pitch Logic Board
2.2.2: Altitude Hold Board
2.2.3: PFGC Board
2.2.4: Pitch Servo Amplifier
3.0: Schematic & PC Board Information
3.1: Roll Servo/Amplifier & Regulator (03117)
3.2: RFGC (03118)
3.3: Lateral Logic (03119)
3.4: Pitch Logic (03122)
3.5: Altitude Hold (03120)
3.6: PFGC (05121)
3.7: Pitch Servo Amplifier (03116)
3.8: Turn Coordinator (0334)
3.9: Motherboard Schematic (0960)
4.0: System Assembly
4.1: System 40 Assembly Prints
4.2: System 50 Assembly Prints
5.0: Testing, Troubleshooting & Repair
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