This beautiful digital art wallpaper photo is a stunning piece by Olena Vertiy. The painting is a medium-sized masterpiece that will add a touch of surrealism to your desktop. The image is an original, one-of-a-kind (OOAK) piece that was produced in 2024 in Ukraine. The painting features a tender and cute design of a girl sitting among frozen lotuses. The colors are bright and amazing, making it a perfect addition to your fantasy or art collection. This exclusive and colorful wallpaper is perfect for those who love digital art and want to add a touch of contemporary art to their background.

This is a digital image, digital wallpaper, photo, background image for phone, tablet, PC, printable image.  You can also give it as a gift by sending it to a friend.

 You will receive an image without a watermark in JPEG format, high quality, 1024x1024 and 4094x4094 pixels.

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