"BARBARA HEPWORTH SCULPTURE CATALOGUE OF WORKS" By J. P. Hodin Hardcover published by Editions du Griffon 1961.
 Yorkshire by birth, resident of St Ives, Cornwall, for more than 30 years, scholarship student at the Royal College of Art at the age of 16, mother of triplets, Honorary Doctor of Letters of five universities, Cornish bard, Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire, and world-famous sculptor: such was Barbara Hepworth, whose life always revolved around the demands of her creative work. Contents: 172 pages with numerous photo illustrations.

Text by J P Hodin, includes the important catalogue of works by Alan Bowness. Selling for over $45.00 on other sites.

This book belongs to my brother who worked for Harley Davidson in the 1980's. He also motorcycle raced in Florida and at one time had his own shop. We are selling this and other items to help raise money for him. After leaving his job at York, Pa. he traveled the world doing various jobs. He did essentially low pay and volunteer work around the United States, India, Sri Lanka, Burma and in Japan for over fifty years. He became an ordained Buddhist monk in Japan about 30 years ago, the First American to do so in decades. He failed to save for his senior years and he is now in his 70's. He lost the family home due to an unexpected death in the family and his lack of funds to pay off the estate.  We are selling this and other items to help raise money for him.