This beautiful digital image of a cute cat is a one-of-a-kind piece of art created by Olena Vertiy. The painting is done in bright and bold colors, making it a perfect addition to any desktop or wallpaper collection. The cat's features are exclusively designed, and the artwork is unframed, allowing you to choose your preferred framing option. The painting is an original piece produced in 2024, and it is made of high-quality digital materials. It is perfect for cat lovers who are looking for a unique and amazing desktop art piece. This digital image is perfect for brightening up any room and adding a touch of cute to your workspace.

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This is a digital image, digital wallpaper, photo, background image for phone, tablet, PC, printable image. You can also give it as a gift by sending it to a friend.

 You will receive an image without a watermark in JPEG format, high quality, 1024x1024 and 4094x4094 pixels.

 I will send you this image via eBay messenger or email.

 No delivery! This is a digital file.
 I answer all your questions.

See my profile for many drawings, paintings, photos, images and other products.