Chasing the Light
Taschenbuch von Sagar Kumar
  • Autor: Sagar Kumar
  • EAN: 9781482849738
  • Einband: Kartoniert / Broschiert
  • Ausstattung / Beilage: Paperback
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Seiten: 466
  • Maße: 203 x 127 x 25 mm
  • Erschienen: 11.06.2015
  • Schlagworte: Kunst / Kunst: allgemeine Themen / ART / General
He cries alone at night; he is hardly 4; it is almost 4 am. The world around him is fast asleep. He is new to this constant grappling with his mind and he learns how to torture himself. He comes up with elemental questions of life and philosophy but finds no answers and this frustrates him. He is a thinker; so much so that he can't sleep, it hurts.
He doesn't cry anymore. He is close to 24. He thinks he has seen everything but then half the idiots out there feel the same way. So what makes him special? He is special because at different times and in different roles in his life he has touched perfection even if he has done so momentarily. The crash n' burn too is poetic and beautiful. Lazarus!?
He really has taken some outstanding catches and scored some unbelievable goals and more than anything else he wants the world to know this about him. Perhaps it is the only thing he wants the world to know about him.
So this book is about the 4 year old, it is also about the 24 year old, and pretty much everything in between; the good, the bad and the ugly!
Titel: Chasing the Light | Medium: Taschenbuch | Autor: Sagar Kumar | Einband: Kartoniert / Broschiert | Ausstattung / Beilage: Paperback | Sprache: Englisch | Seiten: 466 | Maße: 203 x 127 x 25 mm | Erschienen: 11.06.2015 | Anbieter: Buchbär