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Neutron Radiography Handbook

by Peter von der Hardt, Heinz Röttger

Radiography with neutrons can yield important information not obtainable by more traditional methods.

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Publisher Description

Radiography with neutrons can yield important information not obtainable by more traditional methods. In contrast to X-rays as the major tool of visual non-destructive testing, neutrons can be attenuated by light materials like water, hydrocarbons, boron, penetrate through heavy materials like steel, lead, uranium, distinguish between different isotopes of certain elements, supply high quality radiographs of highly radioactive components. These advantages have led to multiple applications of neutron radiography since 1955, both for non-nuclear and nuclear problems of quality assurance. The required neutron beams originate from radioisotopic sources, accelerator targets, or research reactors. Energy "tailoring" which strongly influences the interaction with certain materials adds to the versatility of the method. Since about 1970 norms and standards have been introduced and reviewed both in Europe (Birmingham, September 1973) and the United States (Gaithersburg, February 1975). The first world conference on neutron radiography will take place in December 1981, in San Diego, U.S.A. . In Europe the interested laboratories inside the European Community have entered into systematic collaboration through the Neutron Radiography Working Group (NRWGl. since May 1979. This Handbook has been compiled as one of the common tasks undertaken by the Group. Its principal authors are J.C. Domanus (Ris0 National Laboratory). and R.S. Matfield (Joint Research Centre, Ispra) Major contributions have been received from R. Liesenborgs (SCK/CEN Mol) R. Barbalat (CEN Saclayl.

Table of Contents

1. Principles and Practice of Neutron Radiography.- 1.1 Introduction to Neutron Radiography.- 1.2 The Design of Neutron Radiography Equipment.- 1.3 Applications of Neutron Radiography.- 1.4 List of Symbols Used.- 1.5 References.- Appendices.- Appendix 1.1 Neutron Radiographic Terminology.- Appendix 1.2 Thermal Neutron Cross Sections of the Elements and Some Materials.- Appendix 1.3 Irradiation and Transfer Times for the Indirect Method.- Appendix 1.4 Resolution of Voids.- Appendix 1.5 The Calculation of the Cross Section of a Compound.- 2. Recommended Practice for the Neutron Radiography of Nuclear Fuel.- 2.1 Applicable Documents.- 2.2 Ordering Information.- 2.3 Equipment.- 2.4 Radiographic Techniques.- 2.5 Measurement.- 2.6 Safety Precautions.- 2.7 Film Handling.- 2.8 Film Processing.- 2.9 Viewing Radiographs.- 2.10 Reference Radiographs.- 2.11 Storage of Radiographs.- 2.12 Records and Reports.- 3. NRWG indicators for testing of Beam Purity, Sensitivity, and Accuracy of Dimensions of Neutron Radiographs.- 3.1 The Various Indicators.- 3.2 Assessment of Test Results for the Indicators.- 3.3 References.- 4. Atlas (Compact Version) of Defects Revealed by Neutron Radiography in Light Water Reactor Fuel.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Relevant Notes.- 4.3 The Collection of the Atlas.- 4.4 References.- 5. Neutron Radiography Installations in the European Community. Tables and Figures.- Table 5.1 Neutron Radiography Installations in the European Community Technical Data and Main Utilization.- Table 5.2 Neutron Radiography Installations in the European Community Exposure Techniques.- Table 5.3 Neutron Radiography Installations in the European Community Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis.- Table 5.4 Neutron Radiography Installations in the European Community Future Needs and Requirements.- Figures : Cadarache, LDAC.- Casaccia, TRIGA-RC1.- Fontenay-aux-Roses, Triton.- Geesthacht, FRG 1, FRG 2, 1 kCi Sb-Be.- Grenoble, Melusine, Siloe.- Harwell, DID0 6H, DIDO 6HGR9.- Karlsruhe, FR 2.- Mol, BR 1, BR 2.- Petten (JRC), PSF, HB8.- Petten (ECN), LFR.- Ristø, DR 1.- Saclay, OSIRIS, ISIS (2 installations), Orphee.- Valduc, Mirene.

Long Description

Radiography with neutrons can yield important information not obtainable by more traditional methods. In contrast to X-rays as the major tool of visual non-destructive testing, neutrons can be attenuated by light materials like water, hydrocarbons, boron, penetrate through heavy materials like steel, lead, uranium, distinguish between different isotopes of certain elements, supply high quality radiographs of highly radioactive components. These advantages have led to multiple applications of neutron radiography since 1955, both for non-nuclear and nuclear problems of quality assurance. The required neutron beams originate from radioisotopic sources, accelerator targets, or research reactors. Energy "tailoring" which strongly influences the interaction with certain materials adds to the versatility of the method. Since about 1970 norms and standards have been introduced and reviewed both in Europe (Birmingham, September 1973) and the United States (Gaithersburg, February 1975). The first world conference on neutron radiography will take place in December 1981, in San Diego, U.S.A. . In Europe the interested laboratories inside the European Community have entered into systematic collaboration through the Neutron Radiography Working Group (NRWGl. since May 1979. This Handbook has been compiled as one of the common tasks undertaken by the Group. Its principal authors are J.C. Domanus (Ris0 National Laboratory). and R.S. Matfield (Joint Research Centre, Ispra) Major contributions have been received from R. Liesenborgs (SCK/CEN Mol) R. Barbalat (CEN Saclayl.


Language English
ISBN-10 9027713782
ISBN-13 9789027713780
Media Book
Format Hardcover
Imprint Kluwer Academic Publishers
Place of Publication Dordrecht
Country of Publication Netherlands
Author Heinz Röttger
Publisher Springer
Subtitle Nuclear Science and Technology
Pages 170
Edition 1981st
Illustrations X, 170 p.
DOI 10.1023/b126703;10.1007/978-94-009-8567-4
Edited by Heinz Röttger
Edition Description 1981 ed.
Year 1981
Publication Date 1981-11-30
Alternative 9789400985698
Audience Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly
