Again one of the saddest orders in our store...

Soldier's name is KOLECNYK

Call sign on the chest is TREMBITA

This jacket belonged to a soldier from the 3rs Assault brigade. The jacket of a Hero was sent by his familly to sell....

There is the link about this soldier with translation below: TITLE:

A 20-year-old defender from the Kyiv region was killed in a battle with the "Wagners" near Bakhmut
After the war, the fallen hero dreamed of becoming an IT-specialist.

20-year-old Vitaly Kolesnyk from the village of Mykulychi, Kyiv region, died in a battle with the Wagnerites near Bakhmut in Donetsk region. The young defender with the call sign "Kudesnik" was a machine gunner of the 3rd separate assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and was the first to go into battle with the Russian invaders.

The boy was buried in his native village on March 13, it was reported on the page of the Nemyshaiv community. Vitaliy is survived by his mother, younger sister and brother, and his fiancée.

Size is 48-6 (M size)

Absolutely new jacket. It was memory about him but mother asked to sell and get money for children...

We are grateful to all who take a part in supporting of Ukrainian people...

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