You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN SHRINK WRAP Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Chinese subtitle.

Title: She's Gone

STARRING: Tomoya Nagase, Kyoko Fukada, Kimura Yoshino, Masahiko Nishimura

BRIEF SUMMARY:  Tomoya Nagase works at the Hot Sea restaurant and watches boats for the owner to supplement his income as a dancer.  He is known for his easy going personality, and he has no ambitions nor goals for his life.  His good looks and playboy personality makes him very popular among the girls.  He's been bringing who knows how many girls to spend the night at his boat.  One day, he met a girl (played by Yoshino Kimura) and spent the night together.  they both exchanged phone numbers before they said good bye.  Couple days later, Tomoya was contacted by the girl's family, and was in shock when he found out that Yoshino had committed suicide.

Together, Tomoya and her family is determined to find out what caused her to kill herself...................


劇   名﹕她已不在人世

劇   情﹕浪安西 ( 長瀨智也 飾 ) 是個在熱海餐廳幫別人伴舞的舞者,也替蒲田 ( 西村雅彥 飾 ) 看守他的遊艇。平時過著玩世不恭的生活,人生也沒有大目標,帶回遊艇過夜的女朋友不計其數,還用牙刷串成一顆樹來做紀念 .... 。在因緣際會之下認識了由加里 ( 木村佳乃 飾 ) ,兩人雖然發生了一夜情,卻都留下了電話號碼。直到有一天,由加里的妹妹玲子 ( 深田恭子 飾 ) 和自稱是由加里未婚夫的吉川 ( 香川照之 飾 ) 找到安西,並且告訴他由加里自殺的消息,對玲子有興趣的安西提出跟他們一起追查由加里死因的請求,也在拜訪由加里手機裡的名字之旅中,逐漸改變對人生 ...?

演 員: 長瀨智也, 深田恭子, 木村佳乃, 西村雅彥




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