Nice three Registered Letters from Russia to Germany with the all Small Sheets of the set (Space Flighting Day)of Mi #5591-93 (limited issue #) in 1986. Michel Catalog value of cancelled sheets is  €190. No value is given in catalogue for the sheet in letter! Also 2 different Blocks 62 II are used on letter. Rare items of Postal History! Airmail registered shipping costs are included into the item price! Payment preferences in order are: -, Eurotransfer with IBAN/BIC #s inside Europe, internet banking in UK, personal checks directly to US and UK, payment with all major credit cards through PayPal (use my e-mail address), other payment options by agreement.   Always lot of other cards in stock – please inquire! Use special Search function inside Store to find from hundreds of items the best for you! For more interesting information you may check also my

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