You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN WRAP Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Non Removable Traditional Chinese subtitle.

Title:  Miracle Of  Love / Romance Is a Miracle (Koi No Kiseki)

STARRING: Riona Hazuki, Miho Kanno, Fumiya Fujii, Jinpachi Nezu, Kumiko Akiyoshi, Seiichi Tanabe

BRIEF SUMMARY:  Riona Hazuki was very convincing in her obese makeup. She plays Taeko, a kind and warmhearted woman, who prefers cake to concentrating too much energy on her weight, until the mysterious Yukino moves in.  Everyone believes Yukino is a relative from the countryside during the four years she boards with the family, but there is a secret lurking here somewhere. When it appears Yukino has murdered her mother. Taeko herself contemplates suicide. She is saved by a young doctor who supervises a yearlong diet that turns her into the beautiful and yes, slim Riona Hazuki we know. Now she is out to get close to Yukino, and one assumes, get revenge.


剧   名﹕恋爱奇迹

剧   情﹕子(叶月里绪菜)生长在一个幸福的家庭,对于自己肥胖的身材与平凡的外表有自卑感,因此,迟迟不敢把自己的心意对青梅竹马的将人(荻原圣人)表白。有一天,远亲的美少女雪乃(菅野美穗)翩然出现,妙子一家人亲切的对待雪乃,妙子更视她为亲姐妹,将一切心事向她倾诉。不料雪乃虽貌如天使,却心如蛇蝎。她一步一步有计划的夺走妙子身边所有的人。妙子幸福的生活开始崩溃,就在自己的外貌被雪乃无情的污辱,陷入绝望的深渊之际,青年医师圣(田边诚一)拯救了她的性命,之后,妙子经过重重的严酷的减肥课程,而蜕变成了美貌女子彩子。为了阻止雪乃再继续害人,追随雪乃进入了演艺圈。 女人为了外表的美丽可以不惜任何代价,但忽略了永恒的内在美,短暂的外在美也只是丑陋的化身而已。

演 员: 菅野美穗 叶月里绪菜、荻原圣人、田边诚一




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