3 x De-Solv It Universal Stain Remover and Pre-Wash 100ml For Clothing, Fabrics

De-Solv It Universal Stain Remover and Pre-Wash 100ml is the ultimate all in one stain remover and pre-wash for most types of stains. Independently tested and validated. 

Works on: 
+ Grease and grime 
+ Tar, ink and crayon 
+ Blood, mud and grass
+ Tea and coffee
+ Glue and mastic 
+ Make up 
+ Tanning lotions 
+ Wine and wax 
+ Curry and sauces 
+ Chewing gum 
+ Shoe polish. 

Made in the UK.   

Size: 3 x 100ml 

Usage Instructions: 

A. For use on washable colourfast clothing and fabrics. 1) Remove excess staining. 2) Spray onto both sides of fabric and leave for 5-10 minutes for bad stains. 3) Blot and work into area with absorbent cloth. 4) Re-spray area, leave for 1 minute and wash item in accordance with manufacturer's instructions using pre-wash cycle and highest recommended temperature. 

B. Furnishings and Non-foam Backed Carpets. 1) Remove excess staining. 2) Spray onto a clean cloth. 3) Blot stain, working towards centre. 4) Wash area thoroughly with fabric/carpet shampoo. Rinse and dry.