Liberon Black Bison wax liquid nourishes and protects all woods. Particulary suitable for large areas such as panelling,doors,floors and staircases and large interior woodwork.

Suitable for hard and softwood and EN71 part 3 approved for toys.

Highly lustrous and hardwearing, helps to cover scratches and marks. Silicone free. 

Good resistance to finger marks.

Wax polish should be applied with a soft lint free cloth or brush and left for a minimum of one hour to dry, before buffing with a clean cotton cloth or drill polishing brush. This can be repeated on dry or absorbent timber.

500ml will cover 5-6 square metres. Re-wax as required when the surface looks dull. Old wax or built up layers should be removed using Liberon Wax & Polish Remover.

Neutral is colourless and clear has a golden tint.