G.W.W., UK, Loch Maree and Ben Slioch, Ross Shire

Catégorie : Europe > Angleterre, Great Britain > Ecosse, Scotland
Année : Circa 1875
Type : Tirage albuminé
Format (cm): 13x20

Vintage albumen print. George Washington Wilson Photographer.
Vintage England. United Kingdom.

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J.V., UK, Ben Cruachan and Loch Awe from Cladich (Scotland)
J. V. Scotland, Dryburch Abbey, St. Mary's Aisle and Tomb of Sir W. Scott
J. V. Scotland, Edinburgh from Calton Hill
G.W.W., UK, Looking down Glencoe

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All photographs sold on this site are vintage original prints, unless otherwise indicated.
We accept returns without conditions. We can ship free of charge Worlwide, with or without insurance, according to the value. We are buyers of complete collections, if you have something to sell, please contact us at 00 33 6 09 75 86 57 or by mail to tartarin.photo@gmail.com

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Concerning our vintage photochrom, please refere to: http://www.loc.gov/pictures/collection/pgz/process.html
